Sunday, January 29, 2012

Abiding in Him

Hello GracePointe Ladies! If you've been coming to the Women's Sunday School Class, you'll know that we've been in the book of John. We just finished John 15 today, and what an amazing section of scripture it is! In this chapter, Jesus is speaking and talks about abiding in Him! Did you know that one of the translations for "abiding" is to stay home! If we stay home in Him, then we will see the Lord do amazing things in our lives. We'll see the Fruit of the Spirit showing forth through us.

I found this picture on Google when I was preparing the lesson and even made it my Facebook profile picture. Oh, how I want the Fruit to be evident in my life! I know you do, as well! If we abide in Christ, then our attributes, characteristics, emotions, decisions, actions, and words will be His! He will share His very being with us if we'll just stay home in Him and be held by Him. What good news that is!

Please be thinking about which scripture you would like to use for February. If you didn't get in on January, please, please jump in on February. We would love for you to join us.

With much love!
